The Turning of the Tide

As 2012 comes to an end, I like to look at it as another page of my life complete. Thinking over my past year I’am so grateful for everything that has gone on in my life. Although with the events that have taken place in America, and In the world this past year, some people will forget 2012, and some will never be able to forget this year. I have never used this blog for my political stance, or gain. I have not used this blog to force someone to believe exactly what I believe. Everything that I have said through this blog over the past year has been a passion in my heart that I had to convey to the world. I have Hope that at least one person who needed to hear the truth of Jesus Christ would come across this and see their life transformed. I received an E-mail tonight from Over the span of 2012, this blog that you are now reading has gone out to 61 countries around the world. When I read that I paused what I was doing, I was blown away by the Love, Grace, and Power of God. God will use whatever means necessary to get his word out. Even if it is through a start up blog from a man in California!

Today at church, my pastor said, “When Jesus said in the last days there would be wars and rumors of wars. He was not giving us a promise. He was defining the conditions into which He was sending His last days transformational army.” As a believer In God, I feel that I am on assignment to share and plant seeds of hope into what some may say is a hopeless world. If a culture does not know the true Jesus Christ, it will invent its own God and worship that. and it may even be themselves. The trend today is for preachers not to be so dogmatic. Some say there is another side to everything. But there is only one side to what God says and that is God’s side. We end up debating, and the word of the Lord is not debatable. And the commandments of Christ are not there to be discussed by a panel or a court. They are there to be obeyed in humility and tears, in the power of the Holy spirit within us. God’s words are not for me to edit and tinker with, but to believe and obey.

Recently Our president has said that America is not longer a Christian nation. I have to say I agree with him. I agree out of heart break. George Washington believed that religion, morality, and brotherhood were the pillars of society. He said you couldn’t have morality without religion. And yet today we’re told that to protect the first amendment, we must expel God, the source of all knowledge, from our children’s classrooms. The first amendment was not written to protect the American people from religion; the first amendment was written to protect the American people from government tyranny. Those were the words of Ronald Reagan Who I believe was one of the greatest Leaders our country has ever had.

What will it take for our country to turn back to Jesus? In recent weeks with the tragedies that have taken place, I have seen people close to me, go back and look at the faith they once believed in. Many times when tragic events take place people ask where God is. Well, after you push him back, and kick him out of your life, and place him in the corner so you can live your own life, with your own rules, and your made up “morality”.  He is still there waiting for you. He never left. Sometimes you just need to look in the last place you put him. I believe that in the decline that our nation is on, There is always hope. Jesus is the one who will always be there, who will always love you, and who will never leave or forsake you, no matter what you have done to ignore him. God has a plan for your life, he has reveled hints of his plan, but it is greater yet. All you have to decided is how much of it you want to go after and co-labor with him. Let 2013 be a year of Hope, A year of dreams coming to fruition. It is time to bring God be back into the spot of your everyday life, and placed back into this Country of the United States of America.