Labeled By Grace

When it comes to your labels, current or past, God is slow to judge and more than willing to deliver us. I have been thinking a lot on how we label people in our society, even if they have asked for forgiveness, we still label them with what we see in our minds. A liar, a thief, an adulterer, a failure. This reminds me of a story in the Bible of a women who was a prostitute. She had many labels but none of them were an obstacle for God.

When Joshua sent two spies into Jericho they found their way to a prostitute named Rahab’s home and sought refuge there, which she granted in return for their guarantee of safety for her and her family. They agreed and told her that if she marked her home with a scarlet cord, she and anyone in the house with her would be spared in the coming battle (Josh 2:12-21). On the day of battle, the city was captured and everyone within its walls died, except for Rahab and her family. She had gathered her family in her home and marked it with the scarlet cord as they had agreed. Before burning the city to the ground, Joshua had the spies go to Rahab’s home and bring her and all her family out to dwell among the Israelites. (Josh 6:22-25). A prostitute was brought out to join the chosen people of God.

A sinner saved by grace, this sounds familiar, doesn’t it? In some ways, Rahab’s story is our story. Each of us has carried a label. You may avoid reminiscing too much because your memories and your old label cause you shame. Your label may cause you to shy away from approaching God. Maybe your label is the reason why you won’t even step foot into a church.

It is interesting that when the Israelite spies offered to spare Rahab’s life, they said nothing about her life style. Rahab’s label was not important to God, for he looked passed what men labeled her as. And it is the same with you. The reality and the embarrassment of what your label reflects is in no way an obstacle for God’s grace.

You, like Rahab, are invited as you are, label and all. You have been invited for free to join God in a relationship initiated by faith. God’s grace for your life is slow to judge and quick to deliver. In fact, His grace provides you with God’s labels: Forgiven. Accepted. Loved. That was not the end of Rahab’s life. Despite her past, a man named Salmon saw Rahab as a beautiful women of faith and he asked her to marry him, She gave birth to a son named Boaz who later married Ruth and they became none other than the great grandparents of King David. The bloodline of Christ is full of forgiveness, and that forgiveness is extended to you today.

We do not know how long it took for Rahab to shake her past or how long it took her to see herself as forgiven. From my experience, it is a process that takes time, but ends with embracing a new life, a new identity, and a new standing with God. If you have felt that your friends have labeled you, close ones that you loved have despised you, pray this prayer. It is close to what I have prayed after the screw ups I have made in life.

“Lord, I believe that your grace and love is more powerful than the past mistakes that I am labeled by. I believe Christ died to pay the penalty for the sin my label represents. I receive the new labels you have given me. Forgiven. Accepted. Justified. And loved. I declare that what you say about me is true: I truly am forgiven. Teach me to live my life in accordance with who you say I am. In Jesus Christ’s name, amen.”